Babies are God's wish for life to go on...

Babies are God's wish for life to go on...
Best Wishes for Mollie's Little Emma

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Halloween Chocolate

Looking for the best double chocolate cookie recipe? Look no further...visit here: Made these last night as a treat for those who'll help me on Wednesday to proctor the PSAT test to 400 students. Plan to bag in clear cello, tie with a Halloween ribbon. Jim and I taste-tested them with milk; these are good for you, you know. Lots of dark chocolate and magnesium--no calories!


Cathie said...

Holey moley….there should be a warning on those cookies…. “Do not try these without some milk. You will die.”

Made a batch, loved the texture. A bit crispy on the outside and so moist and gooey on the inside. Wonderful!

But... *whoa* chocolate-y! It's rare when I voluntarily stop at one. But that is my limit with these at one sitting.
Thanks for the yummy recipe, Babar!

Steph said...

Mm, sounds good. I like the new pics on the left hand side, too.