Babies are God's wish for life to go on...

Babies are God's wish for life to go on...
Best Wishes for Mollie's Little Emma

Monday, September 29, 2008

Old Friends

40 years may seem like an eternity to students of the age I spend most of my day with, but it's the blink of an eye, no kidding, to me. This phenomenon was reinforced this past weekend as Jim and I met up with a family friend I'd not seen nor spoken to from at least that many years ago. How can you completely catch up on that many near catastrophes, family losses, friends in faraway cities and states, hilarious situations, and those not so hilarious in two hours over dinner? Well, you can't, at least not completely. Especially since there are six children from both families unmet, one spouse back at home 3000 miles away, and all those stories that just didn't surface. But Tom, if you're reading this, it was great fun trying! You have changed, as I'm sure have I, but not in the ways one would expect. You haven't gained weight, you look much the same as you did way back in the 60s, but you have gained in experience and, for lack of a better word, wisdom? Not that it wasn't there those many years ago. I have always felt that my own mindset has not altered much, or my basic outlook on life. It's comforting to know that my friend still has that same optimism from the days when, for example, my high school class chose "The Impossible Dream" from "Man from LaMancha" as our theme song. We were maybe more optmistic then, who knows? I know we never used to lock our doors back in Virginia then, do you now, Virginians? We Californians do, that's certain.

It's interesting to see that all three of us are planning to work beyond the years our parents did (all of whom are gone now, sadly). Each of us echoed the other's sentiment that "we'll live longer if we do," and never once did we mention the failed economic buyout nor the presidential candidates Obama and McCain, though both are hot topics at school and with casual friends. No, after 40 years, there are other important subjects to explore, family both past and present, and plans for two weeks into the future as well as beyond. I think for me, after choosing Los Gatos as the city in which to rendezvous, not only because it was halfway for both of us, but because it's a cameo of small-town-America, complete with a village green and fountain, where families were enjoying the perfect last remnants of summer warmth on a Saturday night, it felt important to try to capture those days so long ago when we were all so much younger and hopeful about bright futures. I still feel that way despite the gloom in the news and love to get the chance to share it with others who do, too.

I am not yet a grandmother, but feel in my heart that it's all about how you handle what you're dealt in life and look forward to sharing that with young ones all over again. Here's a tip of the glass to you, friend Tom; so happy we reconnected again!


Steph said...

Sounds like you had a good night! Nicely worded recap :)

Cathie said...

This is fun for me as I share most of the experiences you relate in your posts. ("Hi Tom!") Wish I could have enjoyed the dinner with you all. Your blog makes it feel like I did.